Wednesday, June 30

Ciao, Italia!

Well, we made it to Italy, praise the Lord.

The first flight to London was rough- whoever tells you that the seating on international flights has more leg room is yanking your chain. You are just as cramped and crammed in those seats as you are on any other flight. Ashley got the window seat this time, and I took the aisle which posed for an awkward 9 hours trying to get situated and comfortable. However, they DID show Bride Wars on the plane, which was awesome, and kept me entertained for the time being. Our flight was delayed 30 minutes but they assured us we wouldn't have any issues making connecting flights...

Well, they forgot to mention that taxiing to the gate takes a million years and that the airport information of what terminal you need to go to is extremely misleading, not to mention Ashley getting stuck at the security gate for an hour because of a water bottle. We ended up in the wrong terminal, and eventually ran to our gate to make our flight to Milan as we heard 'Final boarding call for flight to Milan'. Long story, short, we made our flight and were lucky enough to get on a plane in which the air conditioning only worked when the plane was in flight. Awesome. Ash and I weren't next to each other on this flight, but the man I sat next to didn't say a word to me, which was fine- as my plan for the flight was to sleep. Ashley conked out before the plane even took off- catching flies and everything. I should be talking- I woke up with a huge drool spot on my pillow... oops?

After those eventful flights we made it to Milan and decided to ride the bus instead of paying over a hundred dollars for a taxi. On the bus, I whipped out my Italian-English dictionary and tried to learn some essential things to communicate- I asked the man I was sitting next to if he knew where we were supposed to get off, and he was very nice and assisted us- thank you to my sister Ashley for loaning me that book, it has been a LIFESAVER. For real. I don't know where we'd be without that book.

Once we got to our stop at the Centrale Stazione, we went to our hotel and ate dinner, showered, and crashed. I'm convinced we had jet lag. We slept 14 hours this morning, minus waking up for 30 minutes to go down and eat breakfast, which I can't wait for, for tomorrow. Ha! We woke up to my alarm at 1:30, Ashley flipped out, which was extremely amusing, she didn't realize we had slept that long. We figured out train stuff for tomorrow and how to get to Florence and the train to use, etc. and then rode the Metro to the city center of Milan and walked around for a bit. The Duomo was absolutely gorgeous, but we didn't realize you needed pants and covered shoulders to be allowed in, so we'll make sure we are dressed appropriately in Florence. Other than that, we just walked around looking at all the different shops. Ashley got some gelato, which she said was incredible, and we are sitting at an internet café, about to go get some dinner, and then probably head to bed.

Our hotel room is so neat! I'll have to upload some pictures whenever I have my own computer, but to turn the lights on, your key card has to be in this slot by the door. Oh, and forgot to mention, when we got to the station from the airport, we didn't realize our hotel was literally across a couple of streets, so we got a taxi-- the driver kept laughing and mumbling something to us, we didn't understand- but when we pulled up to our hotel a minute later, we realized he was laughing at us! I feel like we have been made fun of quite a few times since we've gotten here. We walked into the hotel, and the two men who helped us with our luggage were laughing at us- we assumed at the amount, but who really knows!? Anyways, the bathroom is probably the neatest part of our room, the shower has not shower door or curtain-which is super strange, but there is this glass that blocks the water thats probably only about 2 feet wide and then it's wide open. Crazy! And they have one of those European washing things next to the toilet- which is also super strange. Oh, and there is a TV in the bathroom, in case you get bored I guess??

Well, that's pretty much all that has happened or that we've experienced so far, besides constantly being stared at. Literally, constantly. Guess we'll get used to it! Tomorrow we'll ride the train to Florence to get to LdM, and get situated there, which will be nice to finally get to our apartment and not have to lug everything around!

Oh, and I'm dying to see Eclipse.

Until next time- arrivederci!