Thursday, July 22

European Escapades

Tonight is the commencement of Ashley and I's true Europe backpacking adventures.

We are riding the night train to Munich, Germany and will arrive at 6:30 a.m., where we will have to find something to entertain ourselves with, or sleep on, until the city wakes up around 9 and then we go on a tour of the Daschau Concentration Camp. For the rest of the day, we plan on exploring and seeing the town and enjoying the fact that we are in Germany. Then, at 9:30 p.m., we will again, board the night train to return to Florence around 4 something in the morning, and we will come back to our apartment for a few hours- hopefully sneaking in a nap and shower, before we again board the train to La Spezia to arrive in the Cinque Terre, Italy's beautiful hidden coast that is unfortunately and too often overlooked against the Almafi Coast. Lucky for us, that means not as many people!

I am sooooo excited.

I feel like a true backpacker, riding the night train and all. I seriously look forward to taking pictures of our "bunks" in the sleep car... it will be an adventure for sure!

As for Cinque Terre, it is a goup of 5 towns that you hike through along the coast, and it's supposed to be absolutely breathtaking. You can go cliff jumping, or lay out on rocks, and hike the "Journey of Love" covered with locks, where lovers "locked" their love, and threw the keys into the sea. I just can't wait.

After this weekend, that means we only have one week left- which is terrible. I never want to leave Italy. It is so beautiful here, and the culture is so rich and wonderful and so interesting. It is seriously crazy to see how much we use energy and literally how much we waste in the U.S., just being over here for a month. I think they should inform all Americans of how much we waste, by either paying for a trip over to see how they do it on the other half of the globe, or maybe by infomercial, since TV is a commonality among most Americans. However, if they sent everyone over here, I don't know that all, or even many, would return. Shoot, I wouldn't! (At least, not for a while)

Anyways, I get the pleasure of spending my afternoon in the library because every morning, at precisely 7:45 a.m., there is a constant banging from the workermen next door working on the apartment. It really is wonderful to wake up to. I thoroughly enjoy it- along with how well it helps me concentrate and focus on my studies. Please excuse my brattiness, it just really gets on my nerves some days, and, well, this is one of those days...

... Good thing we're going to Germany!

Peace and blessings, peace and blessings.

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