Friday, July 2

Scusi, do've via del Faenza??

Milan's got nothing on Florence.

Seriously, Florence may be one of my favorite places in the entire world... and I get to live here for a month!? Holy moly, this is awesome. But before I tell of my italian escapades in Firenze, I will put up pictures as promised...

Okay, here is a picture of the strange half covered shower... the door cuts off the other part of the bath tub, but the glass piece literally covered about 2 feet of the tub/shower... It was a very strange experience. Ha!

And here is another picture of the crazy bathroom, and the wierd European washer... which might I add, is also a part of our apartment bathroom in Florence. Apparently it's a European commodity? Interesting...

So, so interesting... Anyways, here is a picture of the Duomo in Milan, that literally is puny and near ugly in comparison to the Duomo in Florence. Gee whiz.

And clearly, Ashley and I were having a blasty-blast in Milan, glistening and enjoying the pigeons.

And only because it's almost 1 am here, I will put up pictures of Florence and tell tales of our adventures tomorrow!!


Oh, and p.s., I fully plan on making notecards of Italian phrases and words, because I am DETERMINED to learn the language.

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